
My Story

Dear Friend,

I’d like to share my story of discovering Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) and how it re-directed the course of my life.

In the early 1990s, I was immersed in a highly competitive, academic program as a graduate student pursuing a doctorate in education administration. PSM was in such contrast to the rest of my life at that time. When I discovered PSM in 1996, I began healing sessions with Eliot Cowan (the author of the book, Plant Spirit Medicine) and quickly felt my heart and soul awaken to a larger dream. My spirit redirected my purpose for completing my degree and I no longer felt compelled by what I thought I “should” be doing. I completed my doctorate and then I followed my heart into the mystery where my thoughts, feelings and actions aligned with the sacredness of nature and all life. A local community job opportunity presented itself and led me to join a community-based initiative that addressed violence prevention and served at-risk youth. I felt enlivened and deeply aware that my spirit was guiding my life in a whole new direction. My work with youth led me to develop a rites of passage program for adolescent girls, which ultimately led me to my current community work with Sacred Fire’s LifeWays program, Initiation into Adulthood for Young Women.

My life has changed in dramatic ways since receiving PSM. I feel more alive, grounded, and able to take action guided by my heart. Meaningful work and a life purpose nurture and guide my existence. Joy springs up for no apparent reason and at any moment. I feel tremendous gratitude to be connected to my life in a new way through the grace of the plant spirits that support me.  

I currently offer Plant Spirit Medicine healing in Carrollton, Georgia, which is an hour’s drive west of Atlanta. I also have the privilege of representing this natural medicine as Administrator of Plant Spirit Medicine for the Blue Deer Center, a healing retreat center known as the home of Plant Spirit Medicine, in New York’s Catskills Mountains. The Center also supports transformation and healing on sacred land where the river of peace, Saskawhihiwine, runs through it. It is also where the long-awaited Plant Spirit Medicine Healer Training will take place in 2023.

I would be happy to share more with you about how Plant Spirit Medicine heals and transforms lives, and can even set you on a life course you haven’t imagined yet!  Contact me for a free, 30-minute Entering the Dream of Nature consultation.

In the spirit of healing,

Jessica De la O