Medicine for the Spirit

Plant Spirit Medicine is medicine for the human spirit offered by the spirits of plants. It is a healing approach that opens a doorway to connect us with the natural world. Through that opening, we recognize that nature provides us with everything we need to live a balanced life. Today, we are living through a health crisis as a result of COVID-19. The underlying cause is at the spiritual level. How are we living in balance with the natural world? How do you feel about it? Ask yourself: What hurts you? Are you holding unexpressed anger or grief? Where’s the joy? When we recognize that we are related to all living things and that plants generously offer their medicine to us—from their spirit to ours—we grow more alive and feel the joy in living.

What to Expect

During the initial intake session, I will listen to your life story, family history, your health concerns and challenges, and then conduct a short, non-invasive physical exam, based on the ancient Chinese Five Element system.  I will make a detailed assessment of what you need in order to identify the plant best suited to offer healing.  And then I’ll develop a personalized treatment plan to address the imbalance and support your well-being through your life’s changes.


Allow yourself 2 to 3 hours for your initial intake session.  This exploration and assessment will assist in determining which plants can best help with your specific needs.


Only the spirit of a plant has the capacity to touch the spirit of a person. Treating the spirit of a person, which is where the root of imbalance lies, affects the whole person—heart, mind, and body.


It is important to remember that true healing is not about treating symptoms, but in addressing the body, mind and spirit as a whole.  Once you engage on such a healing path, you will soon realize that the journey requires patience and openness to the profound enlivening of your spirit. This state of grace is where true healing and living thrives

Healing Sessions

To receive the greatest benefit from Plant Spirit Medicine, it is best to initially receive one healing session per week for 6-10 weeks, since each treatment builds upon the previous and deepens a firm foundation for living more holistically. As your life comes into balance, monthly healing sessions are encouraged, and at the very least, at each change of season.

  • Each session can last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes depending on your unique needs.
  • Because this medicine is dynamic, ever-changing and responsive to the conditions of your life as they occur (e.g. stress, emotional trauma, accident, or any great change that we experience over a lifetime), we’ll discuss what is happening for you at the beginning of each session so I can get an idea of how the medicine is working within you.
  • At each healing session, I will ask you to lie on the massage table while I take your pulses, and through my hands, I will deliver the appropriate plant spirit(s) needed to bring balance.

I invite you to enter the dream of nature and join me in a free, 30-minute consultation.

In the spirit of healing,

Jessica De la O